Download and image material

In this section you will find images and video material for your use. Here you will find all the useful information you need to provide your visitors or exhibitors at your event with important details.

Terms of use for image material

Wissenschafts- und Kongresszentrum Darmstadt GmbH & Co. KG retains the rights to the photos. They can be downloaded and used free of charge for press purposes. The author and source must always be mentioned. The resolution of the varies and is suitable for various output sizes up to 13 x 19.5 cm. The photos may not be manipulated, but they may be edited and adjusted to fulfil the technical requirements of the product being created.

The free-of-charge use, reproduction or distribution of image material is only permitted on condition that the copyright notice attached to each photo is reproduced when the image is used, in accordance with copyright law. For commercial use (e.g. for the sale of certain products), particular conditions apply; these must be agreed between the user and the author. In these cases, the use must be expressly permitted by the author.

In the case of print media, we request that a copy be sent to us. In the case of electronic media such as the Internet, we request a short message to this effect.

If you require image material to advertise your event at darmstadtium, do not hesitate to contact us.


Exterior view

Blick von der Alexanderstraße, Bild: darmstadtium
Bild: darmstadtium
Copyright: Lothar Keuch
Copyright: Lothar Keuch
Copyright: Lothar Keuch
Copyright: Holger Ullmann
Nord-Westansicht, Schloßgraben Ecke Alexanderstraße, Bild: darmstadtium
Bild: darmstadtium
Bild: darmstadtium
Überreste der historischen Stadtmauer, Links im Bild: Hessisches Staatsarchiv, Bild: Jürgen Mai
Die Fassade, Bild: darmstadtium
Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, Technische Universität Darmstadt, darmstadtium, Bild: darmstadtium


Foyer 0.02 atrium, Copyright: Ullmann
Foyer 0.02 atrium
Copyright Toyota Olaf Dickens
Foyer 0.02 atrium Copyright Merck
Foyer 0.02 atrium
Foyer 1.05 und 3.11
Foyer 1.08/Rampe
Foyer 3.11 Urheber Fotografie Schepp


spectrum gesamt
spectrum Ausstellung
spectrum Ausstellung
spectrum, Copyright: Jürgen Mai
spectrum Gala und Bankett
spectrum Sonderbestuhlung
spectrum, Copyright: Ullmann
spectrum während einer Ausstellung
spectrum in Gala-Bestuhlung
spectrum gesamt mit offenem Hubtor

Congress hall ferrum


Urheber Holger Ullmann
Copyright: DB Netz Dialogforum Fotograf P. von Recklinghausen
Urheber Fotografie Schepp
Calla und Foyer 0.02 Copyright conceptx

Conference rooms

Restaurant Calla

©Gaul Catering GmbH & Co
©Gaul Catering GmbH & Co
[Translate to Englisch:] ©Gaul Catering GmbH & Co
©Gaul Catering GmbH & Co
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