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Find the right space for your event at the darmstadtium.

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Overview of current and upcoming events at the darmstadtium.

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Meet the future!

The darmstadtium is the perfect venue for international congresses, conferences, product launches, annual general meetings and trade fairs. The congress centre’s distinguishing features are its futuristic architecture, resource efficiency and sustainability, and an award-winning IT infrastructure that is unique in Germany.

The location in the city centre and direct connections to the Frankfurt Airport makes it convenient to get to and from the site. You can reach the airport in 30 minutes via the AirLiner.

Why not come and see for yourself?

venue space planner

Find the right space

Modern, adaptable, versatile.

383 Reihen
1199 Reihen568 Parlamentarisch832 Bankett568 Gala
761 Reihen366 Parlamentarisch496 Bankett304 Gala
63 Reihen30 Parlamentarisch20 U-Form18 Kabarett
104 Reihen60 Parlamentarisch26 U-Form36 Kabarett


The darmstadtium offers you

Ideal accessibility and an attractive location

A convenient location in the heart of the Rhine-Main region

Excellent service and direct contacts

33 dedicated contacts for your personal requests

High scalability

Flexible room concepts open up a wide range of possibilities for your events

Best conditions for sustainable events

First congress centre with an EMASplus certification in Europe

Optimal connectivity and in-house supply

Germany’s fastest congress centre with a 20-gigabit redundant internet connection

How to find us

The darmstadtium is conveniently located in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main metropolitan region with direct access to the A5 and A67 motorways. Traveling between the Science and Congress Centre in Darmstadt and the Frankfurt Airport takes about 20 minutes. We recommend using public transport or the AirLiner for greatest convenience.



 454 parking spaces are located directly underneath the darmstadtium. You will find information here regarding parking fees and the opening hours of the underground car park.



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